
Primary objective of any organization is to deliver quality services, which should meet well-defined needs, satisfy patient expectation, available at competitive price and providing good value for money. This can be achieved through Quality management system. These systems organize overall processes of the organization in such a way that the technical, administrative and human factors affecting the quality of service are under control, by eliminating system deficiencies. SO WHY NOT GET IT RIGHT FIRST TIME, EVERY TIME!

Our procedures ensure:

  • Use of Barcodes for sample collection: to eliminate pre-analytical errors.
  • Use of fully automated analyzers: that eliminate the chance of human error.
  • Periodic calibration of all instruments and measuring devices.
  • Daily running of Internal Quality Control (IQC) program: including participation in international EQA programs from reputed institutions.
  • Involvement of highly qualified, competent, and dedicated professionals: in every step of the testing procedures.

Our unwavering commitment to quality has also resulted in achieving:

  • ISO 9001:2015 Certification
  • NABL-ISO 15189:2012 Accreditation (under Dept of Science & Technology, Govt of India) for our laboratory services.

The quality is not just a lip service in Chandan Group but it has been demonstrated in every activity right from the patient registration to investigation and analysis. Our organization is committed to giving excellence by hard work and quality through technologically superior machines. Training and development are ongoing processes in Chandan Group which helps in continual improvement of processes and personality.

Our mission is that the patient should get everything which he / she thinks while coming to Chandan Group. The staff in Chandan Group is well competent in their respective fields with a sense of accountability towards the organization, which is the main driving force of Success for any organization.

For a Diagnostic center, another major aspect, which speaks volumes about the quality of its reports, is its team of doctors. The management at Chandan Group has always kept this particularly in mind; as the end result being a team of Pathologists & Radiologists selected from the best Medical universities having scions in the field of medical diagnosis who work diligently round the clock to provide par excellence diagnostic services to the patient.

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